2. Euro, the payment currency ratio of 20 14 euro is 32.97%, which is second only to the US dollar in circulation. Euro is the currency of EU 18 countries. The conversion ratio between Euro and RMB is: 1 Euro =8.5368 RMB.
3. Pound, the payment currency ratio of Pound2014 is 9.44%. Although Britain is a member of the European Union, it has not joined the euro zone, and the pound is still the main currency. The conversion ratio between British pound and RMB is 1 = 10.3227 RMB.
4. Japanese yen, the payment currency ratio of Japanese yen 20 14 is 2.5 1%, and Japanese yen is customized at 187 1. Japanese yen is one of the commonly used reserve currencies. The conversion ratio of RMB to Japanese yen is 1 RMB = 16.4354 yen.
5. Australian dollar, the payment currency ratio of 20 14 Australian dollar is: 1.83%. The Australian dollar is the legal tender of the Commonwealth of Australia and was issued on February 1966. The conversion ratio between Australian dollar and RMB is: 1 Australian dollar =5.769 1 RMB.