USD/JPY rose more than 0.50% during the day and is now at 128.85. The quote of USD/JPY 5 minutes ago was 120.78/121.08, which means that 1 US dollar can be exchanged for 120.78 yen. If the quote of USD/JPY is 121.10/121.30, it means 1 The U.S. dollar can be exchanged for 121.10 yen. Compared with the quotation 5 minutes ago, the price of the U.S. dollar against the yen has increased, that is, a unit dollar can be exchanged for more yen.
Foreign exchange meaning
Foreign exchange quotation is the exchange rate of two currencies, or a ratio. For example, USD/JPY 120.78/121.08 refers to the exchange rate of converting U.S. dollars into Japanese yen, or converting Japanese yen into U.S. dollars. Since the bank's quotation is quoted with reference to the real-time exchange rate in the international financial market plus a certain range of buying and selling spreads, exchange rate changes will change with changes in the international market.
In the foreign exchange market, increases or decreases are relative to the previous currency in the quote. For example, the quotation of USD/JPY is green, which means that compared with the last quotation, the price of USD/JPY has increased, that is, more yen can be exchanged for a unit dollar; conversely, the quotation of USD/JPY is Red means that the price of the U.S. dollar against the Japanese yen has dropped, that is, the Japanese yen exchanged per unit of U.S. dollars is less than the last quoted price.