Enter the amount of Japanese yen or RMB to be converted, select the original currency and target currency, and click Convert to convert the convertible Japanese yen into RMB according to the latest real-time exchange rate today. If you want to calculate the exchange rate of several currencies equal to how many yen, please use a variety of foreign currency exchange rate calculator. This yen exchange rate converter is based on the current average exchange rates of four state-owned banks, namely Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China. How much is one yen? The result is: 1 Japanese yen (JPY) = 0.063 RMB (CNY). How many yen is one yuan? 1 CNY =15.873 yen. You can also check the real-time yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market between China and Japan today at the top of the page.