Personal information of bank card account holders can be inquired, including ID number, name, detailed address, contact information, reserved mobile phone number and other personal information, but only internal bank staff can inquire according to their functions and powers. Only the public prosecutor and the law are qualified to entrust the bank to investigate the personal information of bank cards according to law, and others have no right to inquire about personal information. They can only sue first and apply to the court to preserve his property, vehicles and other assets, but you must provide clues about his property. Tip: Investigate personal information of bank cards according to law.
Operating environment: Glory 30, system HarmonyOS system.
In order to ensure security, online banks generally introduce an authoritative third-party authentication mechanism and use the certificate of a third-party authentication center to complete online transactions, thus reliably solving the security and credit problems of online information transmission.
There are two ways to query the opposite account:
(1), bring your ID card and bank card to the bank counter for verification;
(2) Log in to the personal online banking account for inquiry, and you can see the transferred information in the running bill; If the other party chooses anonymous transfer when transferring money, you can't find the other party's account here.
If you know the name, you can't find the bank card number: users can find the bank card account number with their ID cards. Counter account inquiry method: 1. I took my ID card to the bank outlet and gave it to the staff. 2. Explain that you want to check the bank account number. 3. The staff will inform the user of all the account information opened by the user in the bank.
ID numbers should be found in all bank outlets: personal data and cards are integrated. When reporting the loss, the original ID card must be provided. If it is different from the ID number provided at the time of card registration, it will not be processed! But those people in the bank also respect people's privacy, and may not want to check it, but they may if they have a good relationship. Mobile companies know people's mobile phone numbers and are unwilling to check people's names. According to the regulations of the People's Bank of China, an account must be registered in real-name registration system, so the card number provided can be used to find information such as the ID number provided when opening an account. When you go to the bank with your ID card, you can find the bank card number and the bound mobile phone number. When we lost our bank card and reported the loss, we didn't remember the bank card number. Generally, we report the ID number, and the bank can also help you find the balance and transaction records!