This is the exchange rate between the local dollar and RMB at that time.
International exchange refers to the act of converting the currency of one country (or a region with independent currency issuance rights, such as Hong Kong, the same below) into another country's currency to settle the international creditor-debtor relationship. This behavior can also be referred to as foreign exchange for short, which is a dynamic concept of foreign exchange. For example, the bank's foreign exchange business we often say refers to the foreign exchange trading behavior operated by banks and also refers to the dynamic concept of foreign exchange.
There is also a static concept of foreign exchange, which refers to all assets that are measured in foreign currency and can be used for international settlement, including:
(1) USD, GBP and other foreign currencies;
(2) Foreign currency bills, deposits and other foreign currency payment vouchers;
(3) Foreign currency securities such as stocks and bonds;
(4) International currencies, such as SDR and Euro.
(5) Other foreign currency assets that can be used for international settlement.
Obviously, foreign currency assets that cannot be used for international settlement, such as real estate, various machinery and equipment, commodities, etc., cannot be included in foreign exchange.
In addition, remind investors that if they want to conduct foreign exchange investment transactions, they can check the formal supervision platform in the foreign exchange eye APP to avoid being deceived.