1 euro =7.6425 RMB, 1 RMB = 0.1euro 308. Euro is the currency of EU 19 countries. The 19 members of the euro are Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece, Malta and Cyprus.
Exchange rate changes have a direct regulatory effect on a country's import and export trade. Under certain conditions, the devaluation of the local currency, that is, lowering the exchange rate, will promote exports and restrict imports; On the other hand, the appreciation of the local currency, that is, the rise of the exchange rate, plays a role in restricting exports and increasing imports.
Exchange rate system, also known as exchange rate arrangement, is a system widely used by countries to determine the exchange rate between their own currencies and other currencies. It is a systematic stipulation made by countries or the international community on the principles, methods, ways and systems for determining, maintaining, adjusting and managing exchange rates. The exchange rate system has a great influence on the exchange rate decision-making of various countries. According to the range of exchange rate fluctuation, exchange rate system can be divided into fixed exchange rate system and floating exchange rate system.