currency conversion
1 Vietnamese dong = 0.0003 RMB.
1 RMB = 3507.2884 VND.
10000 VND = 3 RMB.
The data are for reference only, subject to the transaction price at the bank counter. Updated on August 5, 2020.
Method for querying exchange rate:
1. Attach the foreign exchange market trend to the futures foreign exchange quotation software;
2. Major financial websites also have foreign exchange quotations;
3. You can also check the exchange rate through the foreign exchange inquiry tool that comes with your mobile phone;
4. Most mobile phone futures market software also has the exchange rate of major currencies;
Extended data:
Advantages of Vietnamese dong:
The base material used in this set of plastic banknotes is not ordinary plastic, but a high-tech fiber-free polymer. Its texture is close to that of banknote paper, and it is antistatic and copy-proof. The plastic substrate itself is the first effective anti-counterfeiting measure.
In addition, more than ten advanced anti-counterfeiting technologies, such as color-changing ink, invisible numbers, laser labels, gratings, perspective printing, concave-convex printing and so on, are used in plastic banknotes. , effectively put an end to the breeding and proliferation of counterfeit banknotes.