Multiplication formula is one of the most basic and important contents in ancient Chinese mathematics education, and it is an important tool to help students calculate and solve practical problems. Multiplication formula includes 99 multiplication table and other multiplication formulas, among which 99 multiplication table is the most common and basic multiplication formula.
The nine-nine multiplication table starts with nine nines and goes all the way to one. There are nine rows. There are nine numbers in each row, and each row represents a different calculation result. Through the formula, students can easily master how to multiply two numbers and get the correct result. For example, "23 gets six", "3412", "250" and so on.
Besides the multiplication table, there are some other multiplication formulas, such as "continuous multiplication formula", "simple multiplication formula", "fractional multiplication formula" and so on. These formulas are extended and deepened on the basis of 1999 multiplication table, which helps students to complete the calculation more quickly and accurately.
Learning multiplication formula can help students improve their mathematical literacy and ability, and cultivate their thinking ability and computing ability. At the same time, multiplication formula can also help people solve practical problems better and improve their life skills. For example, in shopping, calculate interest, calculate price, etc. , need to multiply the formula.
Advantages of learning mathematics
People who are good at math are relatively smart and savvy, and they can show their advantages in dealing with people. The faster you think, the more ways and ideas you have. Mathematics is the foundation of other disciplines, and it is easier for people who learn mathematics well to get into other disciplines. Learning software, computer, finance and other engineering majors is even more handy.
It is used everywhere in life. Nowadays, the society is an information society, and mathematical knowledge is used in financial management and computers. Mathematics can cultivate people's integrity and honesty. Mathematics pays the most attention to convincing people by reasoning, and only believes in the results of logical reasoning. Mathematics can be used to cultivate people's tenacity and courage. Mathematics can cultivate people's overall consciousness. Mathematics can cultivate people's good character.