"Point": In order to accurately and conveniently express the exchange rate, it is generally expressed by 5 digits, and the unit with the smallest change is usually called "point".
For example, the minimum unit of USDJPY quotation 120.00 is 0.0 1 yen, or 0.0 1 yen is 1 point. The minimum unit of 0.9800 quoted in GBPUSD is 0.000 1, or 0.000 1 is 1.
"Spread": when the exchange rate changes, the difference of point fluctuation is "spread". For example, when USD/JPY changes from 120.00 to 12 1.00,121.00 =1.00. When GBPUSD changes from 1.0000 to 0.9800, the price difference is 200 points.
Quotation price difference: In foreign exchange transactions, there is a price difference between the buying price and the selling price. For example, when USDJPY quotes 120.00/10,10 is the selling price, 120.65438+. When GBPJPY quotes 185.50/ 185.60, the price difference is 10 point.
Fee spread: convert the fee charged for each transaction into the spread. No matter what currency is traded, the handling fee will be converted into the spread of that currency.
"Point value": the value converted into the currency per 1 point.
Integral value calculation formula = contract unit * minimum change integral unit
The point values of major currencies are as follows:
Usdpy100.000 0.01=1000 yen/point.
Uerjpy100.000 0.01=1000 yen/point.
Gbpjpy100.000 0.01=1000 yen/point.
Cadjpy100.000 0.01=1000 yen/point.
Chfjpy100.000 0.01=1000 yen/point.
Uersd100.000 0.0001=10 USD/point.
Gbpusd100.000 0.0001=10 USD/point.
USD100.000 0.0001=10 Swiss francs/point.
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