The exchange rate is how many foreign currencies can be exchanged for one yuan, such as the exchange rate of US dollars.
The rise of foreign exchange rate means that foreign currency is more valuable, and less foreign currency can be exchanged for more RMB.
In this case, it is good for China's export, because things from China are cheaper to sell abroad.
But it is not conducive to imports, because foreign things are expensive in China's eyes.
The rise of RMB exchange rate means that China's RMB is more valuable.
It is conducive to imports, and foreign things will be sold more, but it is not conducive to China's exports
Because things in China have gone up in price in the eyes of foreigners.
So now China controls the RMB exchange rate to prevent China's international balance of payments imbalance. After all, what China exports.
Many of them are profitable at low prices. If it appreciates again, its competitiveness will be small.