According to the latest statistics from the British "Futures and Options Weekly", the ten largest stock index futures contracts in the world from January to June this year are:
Ranking Contract Name Listed Exchange Trading Volume (2006 January-June of the year) 1E-MiniS&P500 Chicago Mercantile Exchange 1294510132DJEuroStoxx50 European Futures Exchange 1083640903E-miniNasdaq-100 Chicago Mercantile Exchange 410116154NSES&PCNX Nifty National Stock Exchange of India 388509825Kospi200 Korea Exchange Group 253864796DAX European Futures Exchange 216 141627E-miniRussell2000 Chicago Business Transactions Exchange 196522328CAC40 London International Financial Futures Exchange 168720999Nikkei225 Osaka Stock Exchange 1360030810FTSE100 London International Financial Futures Exchange 13088130