currency conversion
1 euro = 7.7268 RMB
1 RMB = 0. 1294 Euro
Local currency exchange rate
It is expressed by the amount of foreign currency that can be converted by the unit's local currency, which is called the local currency exchange rate. It is called RMB exchange rate in China, that is, the RMB price expressed in foreign currency, and its formula is 100 = X foreign currency. When other factors remain unchanged, the RMB per unit amount can be exchanged for more foreign currencies, which means that the RMB exchange rate rises, the RMB appreciates relative to a foreign currency, the foreign currency depreciates and the foreign exchange rate falls. At this time, it is beneficial to China's imports but not to its exports.
Exchange rate calculation
1, direct quotation:
Rate of exchange rate appreciation and depreciation = (old exchange rate/new exchange rate-1) * 100
2, indirect price method:
Rate of exchange rate appreciation and depreciation = (new exchange rate/old exchange rate-1) * 100
The result is that a positive value indicates the appreciation of the local currency, and a negative value indicates the depreciation of the local currency.