Today, 2022- 12-22 (Thursday)
The latest data on how many pounds one yuan is equal to:
1 RMB = 0.11778 (1= 8.4908 RMB).
The above exchange rate data are cal
Today, 2022- 12-22 (Thursday)
The latest data on how many pounds one yuan is equal to:
1 RMB = 0.11778 (1= 8.4908 RMB).
The above exchange rate data are calculated according to the following latest exchange rates:
2022- 12-22 exchange rate (today),
The median price of China Bank is 1 =8.4908 RMB.
In the international payment market, US dollar accounts for 38.73%, followed by euro, pound and yen, accounting for 36.7%, 6.5% and 3.59% respectively.