(1) Advantages:
(1) lay the initial industrial foundation of a country;
Give full play to the advantages of domestic resources;
Ensure that foreign exchange is used in the most critical places.
(2) Disadvantages:
(1) hinders the development of exports and leads to the deterioration of the balance of payments;
(2) ignoring the development of non-import substitution sectors;
③ Reject competition and reduce the overall economic efficiency.
(2) Export-oriented: its main feature is gradually moving closer to the equilibrium exchange rate, and some still underestimate the exchange rate to encourage exports; Cancel the quantity limit.
(1) Advantages:
(1) is conducive to obtaining comparative benefits;
(2) introducing competition mechanism;
③ Promoting export development;
④ Adapting to international trade norms.
(2) Disadvantages:
(a) prone to imbalance in foreign exchange payments;
② Great dependence on foreign countries.