Market, interest rate and price, present value, investment, net present value, internal rate of return, etc.
Present value: money that must be invested or lent now in order to get a certain amount of money at some future time.
Opportunity cost: represents the cost of doing this and not doing that and giving up other opportunities.
Important formula
1. The actual annual interest rate is 1 1+= mmarea.
2. Present value of annuity () () ttrrCrrCrCPV? +? =+? = 1 1 1 1
3. Bond pricing () () () tttttrfrcrcrcp++=1112212210l
4. Stock pricing model of fixed cash dividend growth rate
()grDgrgDp? =? += 100 1
5. Dividend growth rate
()hrg? = 1*
6. Price-benefit ratio
()grghEp? += 100
7. Expected rate of return
()nnniiiRRRRRE▼▼▼++ = =∑= l 22 1 1 1 ~
8. Differences
()()()∑=? =niiiRERR 122~~πσ formula table AcF2 14 financial principles 1
Upward spirit
9. Covariance
()()()()∑=? = nibbiaiaibarerrr 1 ~ ~ ~,~covπ()
10. Correlation coefficient
1 1. Expected return on the portfolio
()2 1 1rwwrrP? +=
12. Variance of portfolio
()()2222 1 122 122 1 12σσσσσσwwwwP? +? +=
13. Minimum variance combination 211222121222min2σ σ σ σ σ σ σ? +? =w
14. Optimal combination of two risky assets
()()()()()2 1 122 1222 122 1222 1 1σσσσσσσσσσσffffffrrrrrrrrrw? ++=
15.CML formula
PMfMfprrrrσσ? +=
16.SML formula
()fMifirrrr? +=β
17.βMiiMMiMiσσσσβ= = 2
18. Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
()()EDcArEDErEDDWACCr++? +==τ 1)
Formula table AcF2 14 Financial Principles II
Upward spirit
19. Foreign exchange forward exchange rate FCHCrrSF++= 1 1.
20. Parity relationship of European options
0spXecr+=+? τ
2 1. Black-Scholes option pricing model
()()2 1dNXedSNcrτ? =
()() 12 dsdnxepr =? τ
Where () () σσσ2 12/ln++ = rXSd.
τσ? =
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