1. The funds that users buy stocks can only be idle funds. Don't use the money circulating in daily life to buy stocks. Do what you can, don't force yourself to buy stocks; Users should learn relevant stock knowledge, know how to analyze and read drawings, know how to use investment tools and investment software, guide practice with theory, have personal independent understanding, and do not blindly follow the trend of investment. In the stock market, we often see a huge database, which contains all the useful data since the stock market.
2, such as closing price, highest price, lowest price, opening price, etc. If investors want to choose stocks, they can choose according to the trend of K-line, or design a formula according to their own requirements to find the stocks they want to choose. This formula is called the stock selection formula. If you want to find a stock with a share price below 5.00 yuan, you only need to set a formula: C "net assets per share" stock.
3. Shanghai and Shenzhen, Hong Kong stocks, US stocks, futures, options, funds, macro, foreign exchange and other comprehensive markets are applicable to all investors. Innovatively combined with Shanghai and Shenzhen data, it has introduced DDE decision-making, individual stock capital flow, theme events, consensus expectations, equity changes, dragon and tiger charts and other special functions. Provide Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, support self-selection, ranking, plate and various technical indicators. Overview of the global market through commodity futures, foreign exchange rates and global indexes. With various column information.