Moreover, even if you want to pay back the money through normal channels, you have to go through several departments, not to mention not paying it back. If you are really involved in the lawsuit, your friend can sue the company in turn.
There are many reasons: for example, it is suspected that someone in the other party has misappropriated funds, absconded with money, or cheated by using forged bills and remittance vouchers. In short, push 256.
It is recommended to see which state the company belongs to. The laws in this area are slightly different in American states. Think about it. If there are favorable rules for you, your busy work will be paid.
Study foreign precedents and see if there are any cases similar to yours. They are based on cases that have been decided before-of course, it is hard to say where the court will hold its session.
Don't be afraid of this kind of thing, and the bigger the company, the more likely it is to get money, and the worst result is a refund.
But remember, tell your friends to deny knowing or not confirming that it is true, and leave a chance to make mistakes.