Hehe, you misunderstood this. The exchange rate in the foreign exchange market basically changes every 30 seconds. The price you see on the website is definitely different from the price you exchange at the bank. The high point is sometimes low, that is, floating around 0.0. So usually when you change dollars, the teller will first know how much RMB you need, and then ask you for tens of dollars to 100 yuan. Then, when you make a purchase, you need to confirm the quotation with you. This will take 30 seconds. If you fail to confirm with the teller in time, you will be prompted to pause, and the transaction will be resumed and reconfirmed. Because the quotation is different, the teller will make the final confirmation. The exchange rate is uniform, and the exchange rate at the same time is the same. It is good to use the bank. You wronged the bank.
But banks still have to make money, so the buying price of bank foreign exchange is lower than the selling price, and they can earn the difference in the middle.