In the current foreign exchange market transactions, foreign exchange traders usually regard fulcrum as a very important technical reference tool, such as an indicative technical analysis tool, or a predictive indicator, or some other indicators. Combined with other financial analysis tools, such as support point, resistance point and golden section point, fulcrum can be used as a very effective trading tool.
The commonly used fulcrum is the trading data of the day before trading, the week before trading, and even the month before trading, such as high points and local closing prices. We use them as today's fulcrum. There will be three different resistance points and support points above and below the fulcrum. The resistance level is represented by 1, 2, 3, which are the naming rules of resistance level 1, 2, 3, and then the support level 1, 2, 3.
If the transaction price is above today's fulcrum, then today is dominated by the bull market. Similarly, if the transaction price is below the fulcrum, it is recommended to operate the short market. Resistance level and support level have a very important influence on the judgment of playing position. If it breaks through the fulcrum, the resistance level of 1 2 may be the target point of the current transaction. If you reach resistance level 3, then you should consider selling.
Of course, the foreign exchange fulcrum can only be used as a reference indicator on the one hand. If there are other changes in the market, investors should consider whether to go out or not, not just taking the foreign exchange fulcrum as the only reference coordinate.
That is the introduction of foreign exchange fulcrum. I wish you a happy investment and come to our platform q390+ 129+353. Thank you.