Taking the exchange rate is to use the price difference between the same currency pair and different markets to buy and sell and make a profit. For example, the domestic RMB exchange rate and the offshore RMB exchange rate, due to the control of capital flow, there is a price difference between the domestic RMB exchange rate and the offshore RMB exchange rate, and arbitrage can be carried out. For example, the recent domestic exchange rate of USD against RMB is 6. 1250, and the offshore exchange rate of USD against RMB is 6. 1400. In this way, if banks or customers can get through domestic and overseas transactions, they can buy US dollars at the exchange rate of 6. 1250 at home, and then transfer the US dollars abroad and convert them into RMB at the exchange rate of 6. 1400 without withdrawal.
The other is to take the spread. That is, arbitrage is carried out by using domestic and foreign spreads. For example, the interest rate of overseas US dollars is very low, for example, the interest rate is 2%, and the domestic financial interest rate can reach 5%, so that customers can find ways to melt the US dollars overseas and convert them into RMB for financial management, and then exchange the RMB back into US dollars for overseas financing when it expires. During the duration, if the RMB exchange rate and the US dollar remain stable, the spread income of customers can be satisfied. There is a risk of sharp depreciation of the domestic RMB exchange rate.