1. Asset Category
Number Accounting Accounts
101 Cash
102 Bank Deposits
103 Precious Metals< /p>
111 Deposits with the central bank
112 Deposits with inter-banks
113 Deposits with associated banks
121 Places with inter-banks
< p>122 Lending to financial companies123 Short-term loans
124 Medium and long-term loans
125 Mortgage loans
126 Discount
p>127 Overdue loans
129 Provision for bad debts of loans
131 Import and export bills
132 Interest receivable
138 Provision for bad debts
139 Other receivables
141 Short-term investments
142 Long-term investments
151 Fixed assets
152 Accumulated depreciation
153 Liquidation of fixed assets
154 Construction in progress
161 Intangible assets
162 Deferred assets< /p>
163 Pending property gains and losses
II. Liabilities
Numbered accounting accounts
201 Demand deposits
205 Time deposits
211 Current savings deposits
215 Time savings deposits
221 Fiscal deposits
231 Borrowing from the central bank
p>232 Deposits from other banks
233 Deposits from joint banks
241 Borrowings from interbanks
242 Borrowings from financial companies
< p>243 Remittance due244 Outward remittance
251 Security deposit
252 Promissory note
261 Interest payable
262 Other payables
263 Wages payable
264 Welfare fees payable
265 Taxes payable
266 Profit payable< /p>
267 Accrued expenses
271 Long-term borrowings
272 Bond issuance
273 Long-term payables
281 Foreign exchange Buying and selling
3. Owner’s equity
Numbered accounting account
301 Paid-in capital
514 Investment income
< p>302 Capital reserve515 Non-operating income
303 Surplus reserve
521 Interest expense
311 Profit for the year< /p>
522 Current expenses of financial enterprises
312 Profit distribution
531 Handling fee expenses
IV. Profit and loss categories
Numbered accounting items
532 Operating expenses
501 Interest income
533 Business taxes and surcharges
502 Financial enterprise transaction income
534 Other operating expenses
511 Fee income
535 Exchange losses
512 Other operating income
536 Non-operating Expenditure