In 2003, US$ 65,438+0 was equivalent to RMB 8.2774;
In 2004, 1 USD was converted to RMB 8.2780 (it began to appreciate slowly around 2004);
In 2005, 1 USD was converted into RMB 8.1013;
In 2006, US$ 65,438 +0 yuan RMB was converted into RMB 7.8087;
In 2007, US$ 65,438+0 was equivalent to RMB 7.3872;
You can query the specific time by yourself. The exchange rate query method is as follows:
1. Attach the foreign exchange market trend to the futures foreign exchange quotation software;
2. Major financial websites also have foreign exchange quotations;
3. You can also check the exchange rate through the foreign exchange inquiry tool that comes with your mobile phone;
4. Most mobile phone futures market software also has the exchange rate of major currencies;
The exchange rate is constantly changing. Please refer to the current exchange rate of the day you need when using it. The exchange of bank counters and online banking is subject to the real-time quotation at that time.