1, handle foreign exchange trading business. Log in to online banking, and enter investment and financial management-online foreign exchange quotation-quotation inquiry and transaction in turn. Choose real-time trading, profit commission, stop-loss commission or two-way commission, enter relevant information and submit instructions.
2. Detailed inquiry of customer entrustment. Customers can query the entrustment instructions within a certain period of time through investment and financial management-online foreign exchange market-entrustment details, and can query the entrustment details or cancel the entrustment in this function.
3. Inquire about customer transaction details. Customers can query the transaction details within a certain period of time through investment and financial management-online foreign exchange market-transaction details.
4. The authorizer approves the instruction. For transactions beyond the authority of the operation ID, customers can use the authorization ID to authorize them in this function through investment and financial management-online foreign exchange quotation-approval.
5. The customer inquires the instruction status. Customers can check the instruction status through Investment and Financial Management-Online Foreign Exchange Quotes-Inquiry Instruction.