Take the value of the moving average and display it! !
void subPrintDetails()
String comment? = "";
String sp = "-\ n ";;
String NL = "\ n
string sDirection =
Double S _ P;;
Double D _ P;; ?
sComment = sp
SComment = sComment+"My MACD car trading system"+NL;
s comment = s comment+sp;
s comment = s comment+" Profit _ FF = "+double tostr(Profit _ FF,0)+" | ";
s comment = s comment+" Stops _ FF = "+double tostr(Stops _ FF,0)+NL;
s comment = s comment+" Profit _ FFF = "+DoubleToStr(Profit _ FFF,0)+" | ";
s comment = s comment+" Stops _ FFF = "+double tostr(Stops _ FFF,0)+NL;
s comment = s comment+" flag _ ADX = "+double tostr(flag _ ADX,0)+NL;
s comment = s comment+" adx 1 = "+double tostr((iADX(NULL,0, 14,PRICE_HIGH,MODE_MAIN, 1)),Digits)+NL;
s comment = s comment+" FF _ FF = "+double tostr(FF _ FF,0)+" | ";
S comment = s comment+"c _ MACD [1] ="+doubletostr (c _ MACD [1], number)+"|";
//scomment = scomment+"c _ MACD _1="+doubletostr (c _ MACD [1], number)+nl;
//s comment = s comment+sp;
//s comment = s comment+sp;
// sComment = sComment+ "Net asset value ="+double tostr (account equity (), digits)+" | "+nl;+NL;
//s comment = s comment+sp;
//s comment = s comment+sp;
//s comment = s comment+" account profit = "+doubletostr(account profit(),digits)+nl; ?
//? S comment = s comment+"c _ low14 _ 50 ="+doubletostr (c _ low14 _ 50, number)+nl; ?
//? s comment = s comment+sp; ?
//? s comment = s comment+" Lots = "+double tostr(Lots,2)+" | ";
//? S comment = s comment+"TT ="+Double tostr (TT, number)+NL;
//? s comment = s comment+sp; ?
//? return(0);
This is my own code, which shows not the moving average,