Currency exchange
1038,000,000 Hong Kong dollars = 815,204,587 RMB
Exchange to conversion
The data is for reference only. Transactions will be made over the bank counter. The price is subject to update time: 2014-02-21 15:00
For foreign currency exchange for RMB, please see the latest cash buying price
According to the latest foreign exchange rate of the day, 100 foreign currencies can be exchanged RMB: (cash purchase price)
The formula is: (foreign currency ÷ 100) × cash purchase price = convertible RMB
(Note: Many people cannot understand, The foreign exchange rate on the official website is calculated based on RMB 100, so you need to use the foreign currency ÷ 100 first, it will be easy)
If you don’t believe me, just do the math yourself, hehe
Exchange rate information comes from /sourcedb/whpj/
Daily foreign exchange quotation on the official website of Bank of China
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