Guatemala * * * Republic of China (Spanish: La Repú blica de Guatemala), referred to as Guatemala (translated by Taiwan).
It is a presidential republic in Central America, located in the south of the North American continent, in the northwest of Central America, bordering Mexico in the west and north, Belize in the northeast, Honduras and El Salvador in the southeast, the Gulf of Honduras in the Caribbean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the south, with a total area of 108900 square kilometers.
The economic lifeline of Guatemala is mainly controlled by foreign companies, such as United Fruit Company of the United States, Central American International Railway Company and subsidiaries of the United States and other countries (Guatemala Power Company).
Due to Guatemala's high interest rate policy and relatively stable macro-economy, foreign direct investment and short-term capital inflows have increased, and foreign exchange reserves have gradually increased.
Half of Guatemala's labor force is engaged in agricultural production. Guatemala's main agricultural products are coffee, cotton, bananas, sugar cane, corn, rice and beans. There are sugar, textiles, flour, wine, tobacco and so on.
The export of cash crops is the main source of foreign exchange income. The main products are coffee, bananas, cotton and sugar, among which the export of cardamom ranks 1 in the world and the coffee output ranks second in Central America. Import daily industrial products, machinery, food, etc.