Euro against dollar
The exchange rate of GBPUSD pound against US dollar.
Australian dollar against the dollar
Dollar against Swiss franc
Dollar against Japanese yen
Dollar against Canadian dollar
SPT_DXY dollar index
Major cross exchange rate
Euro against pound
Euro against Japanese yen
Euro against Swiss franc
Gold bars (precious metals)
GLD gold
SPT_SVR silver
HG COMEX high quality copper futures
Global index (indicator spot &; Futures contract for differences)
SPT_SPI standard & poor's 500 index
NDI Nasdaq index
DJI Dow Jones Industrial Average
FFI Renton FTSE 100 Index Futures
FDX Frankfurt index futures
JNI Nikkei index futures
His Hong Kong Hang Seng Index futures
Commodity futures (commodity futures)
CL NYBOT crude oil futures
Natural gas futures
CC NYBOT Cocoa Bean Futures (new york Stock Exchange)
CT NYBOT Cotton No.2 Futures (new york Stock Exchange)
KC NYBOT Coffee "C" Futures (new york Stock Exchange)
SB NYBOT Sugar 1 1 Futures (new york Stock Exchange)
CBOT Soybean Futures (Chicago Board of Trade)