I. Exchange rate
The exchange rate is the exchange rate at which one currency is converted into another. The order of currencies will make the exchange rate different. The former currency is the basic unit, and the latter currency is used to buy the former currency. So foreign exchange trading is quite active, so the exchange rate has been changing. Money, like gold, stocks and other assets, has ups and downs. The market price of currency, such as converting US dollars into Canadian dollars, may be inconsistent with the amount actually received from the bank. Banks and trading centers need to charge service fees. Banks give cash, but traders don't have to trade in cash. In order to get cash, the foreign exchange account also needs to bear the wire transfer fee, handling fee and withdrawal fee.
Second, the exchange rate calculation method
The exchange rate can be calculated by direct quotation and indirect quotation. The exchange rate appreciation and depreciation rate of direct pricing = (old exchange rate/new exchange rate-1)* 100, and the exchange rate depreciation rate of indirect pricing = (new exchange rate/old exchange rate-1)* 100. If the result is positive, the local currency will appreciate; If the result is negative, the local currency will depreciate. There are usually two expressions of exchange rate, namely, local currency exchange rate and foreign currency exchange rate, which are relative concepts, and the economic phenomenon caused by exchange rate fluctuations is just the opposite. The exchange rate is not calculated by a fixed formula, but determined by the foreign exchange market, which is influenced by interest rates, inflation, national politics and national economies.
Generally speaking, banks in China have foreign currency exchange business. If you have foreign currency, you can exchange it in China Bank. The exchange rate of foreign currency may be different every day, which is determined by the foreign exchange market.