According to the exchange rate on December 5, 2019, 10,000 Thai baht is equal to 2,319.8088 RMB, 1 Thai baht = 0.2320 RMB, and 1 RMB = 4.3107 Thai baht.
Exchange rate conversion:
A bottle of shampoo costs 30 yuan, which requires Thai baht: 30*4.3107 baht = 129.321 baht;
A bottle of facial cleanser costs 420 For Thai baht, you need RMB: 420*0.2320 RMB = 97.44 RMB.
Thai baht has: 20 baht, 50 baht, 100 baht, 500 baht, 1000 baht and other denominations.
Extended information:
The RMB exchange rate was formulated and announced by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange before 1994. After the integration of the RMB exchange rate on January 1, 1994, it was based on market supply and demand. It is a single, managed floating exchange rate system. The People's Bank of China announces the exchange rate of RMB against major currencies such as the US dollar based on the price formed in the inter-bank foreign exchange market on the previous day. Based on this, each bank will float within the floating exchange rate specified by the People's Bank of China. List yourself within the range.
Baidu Encyclopedia-RMB exchange rate