The specific interest is calculated in the currency of purchase.
The spot foreign exchange market delivery date is two days. For positions opened on Monday, the delivery date should be Wednesday. If the position opened on Monday is held until Tuesday, the next delivery date will be Thursday. If the opening of the warehouse on Wednesday is postponed, the delivery date will be pushed from Friday to Saturday, but the delivery date is actually next Monday because the bank is closed on weekends. If the trading position is closed on the same day, the trading will not be postponed.
According to international banking practice, foreign exchange transactions are settled after 2 trading days. Overnight interest is calculated on the settlement date.
Monday: 1 day overnight interest. Trading on Monday, settlement on Wednesday, holding positions from Monday to Tuesday, and settlement date from Wednesday to Thursday, so you have to pay/collect 1 day interest.
Tuesday: 1 day overnight interest. The holding time is from Tuesday to Wednesday, and the settlement date is from Thursday to Friday, so the interest of 1 day should be paid/collected.
Wednesday: 3 days overnight interest. Hold positions from Wednesday to Thursday, and Friday to next Monday is the settlement date, so you have to pay/charge interest for 3 days.
Thursday: 1 day overnight interest. The position is held from Thursday to Friday, and the settlement date is from next Monday to next Tuesday, so the interest of 1 day should be paid/charged.
Friday: 1 day overnight interest. Hold positions on Friday until next Monday, and the settlement date is Tuesday to Wednesday, and only need to pay/charge interest 1 day.