The exchange rate here is the latest.
Currency foreign exchange buying price, foreign exchange selling price, spot foreign exchange middle price, cash buying price and selling price benchmark price.
Us $783.77 782.20 775.93 785.34 783.77
Hong Kong dollars (HKD)100.84100.64 99.8310100.83.
1 US dollar:
Euro1031.281027.15 994.151035.4438+01032.23.
Swiss franc 648.66 646.07 625.438+0.651.25-
Canadian $681.78 679.05 6438+0-
Australian dollar (AUD) 613.77 61.31.591.67 616.23-
Singapore dollar 506.80 504.77 488.56 508.83-
Danish krone (DKK) 138.30
Norwegian krone126.76126.25122.20127.27-
SEK 1 13.73 1 13.28 109.64 1 14. 18-
MOP 97.90 97.70 96.92 98. 10-
NZD 537.20 535.05517.86 539.35-
Won (won) 0.8466-0.8026 0.8906-