The acknowledgement flag in the TCP header acknowledges the accepted TCP message.
Confirmation-confirmation signal
In some digital communication protocols, ACK is the name of the signal that data has been successfully received (for example, with an acceptable number of errors). After receiving an identifiable data block with a specific size, the receiving station (destination) sends an ACK signal back to the sending station (source). In order to facilitate identification, the data block must conform to the protocol used. When the source receives the ACK signal sent by the destination device, it will transmit the next data block. If the source fails to receive the ACK signal, it either repeats the data block or stops transmission, depending on the protocol.
The ACK signal is usually a special ASCII character. In some protocols, there are various ACK signals to indicate the successful reception and recognition of specific commands, such as power failure or standby.
What is an ACK signal?
In the digital communication protocol, if the receiver successfully receives the data, it will reply the ACK signal. Usually the ACK signal has its own fixed format and length, and the receiver replies to the sender. Its format depends on the adopted network protocol. When the sender receives the ACK signal, it can send the next data. If the sender does not receive the signal, the sender can retransmit the current packet or stop transmitting data. The specific situation depends on the network protocol adopted. ACK signals are usually ASCII characters, which are different in different protocols.
acknowledge character
It is a confirmation character.