If the delivery date comes first, it is a near-end transaction, and if the delivery date comes later, it is a far-end transaction. Delivery is the settlement of funds between investors and securities firms during the settlement process. Generally, in order to ensure smooth delivery, users are required to maintain sufficient margin in their trading accounts.
The delivery date is the date when currency should be delivered when buying or selling foreign exchange. Those who buy foreign exchange must deliver their own currency, while those who sell foreign exchange must deliver the foreign currency they sell.
A qualified delivery day must be a business day in the country where the delivery currency is issued. Even if both parties to the transaction are holidays, as long as the country in which the delivery currency is issued is a business day, it is still a qualified delivery day.
Delivery days can be divided into:
(1) Spot exchange delivery day, usually refers to two business days after the transaction date;
(2) Futures exchange delivery The date usually refers to the delivery date calculated by adding several months from the spot delivery date. If this delivery date is a non-qualified delivery date, it will be postponed. If the extension must be extended to the next month, it is customary not to extend it, but to change it. For reckoning.