The latest exchange rate between Canadian dollar and RMB (Canadian dollar /CNY): 1 Canadian dollar =5. 182 RMB (1 RMB =0. 19298 Canadian dollar). The above exchange rate is calculated according to the latest exchange rate: Bank of China, spot purchase price, 100 Canadian dollars =5 18.2 RMB.
floating rate
1before may 2, 962, Canada implemented a floating exchange rate. 1 On May 2, 962, the Canadian government stipulated that the fixed exchange rate between Canadian dollar and US dollar was1US dollar 1.05438+0 Canadian dollar. 1971August 15, the Canadian dollar began to adopt a floating exchange rate. The Canadian government has not stipulated that its currency must be guaranteed by minimum gold and foreign exchange. With the depreciation of the US dollar, the exchange rate of 197 18 Canadian dollars against the US dollar in September was set as 10 US dollars including 0.9957 US dollars according to its gold content.