N: maximum 100, minimum 1, default 26.
M: maximum 100, minimum 1, default 9.
Standard line: (HHV (high, n)+LLV (low, n))/2, color 88ff88.
Turning line: (HHV (high, m)+LLV (low, m))/2, magenta color;
Head lead: (standard line+turning line)/2;
Second lead distance: (HHV (high, 2*N)+LLV (low, 2 * n))/2;
Adhesion line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 9,0), coloraaaaaaa;;
Glue line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 6,0), COLORBBBBBB.
Glue line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 2.4,0), COLORCCCCCC.
Adhesive line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, 1. 1, 0), COLORDDDDDD.
Adhesive line (off > on, off, on, 9, 0), COLOR6666CC.
Adhesive line (off> on, off, on, 6, 0), COLOR7777DD.
Adhesive line (off > on, off, on, 2.4,0), COLOR8888EE.
Adhesion line (off> on, off, on, 1. 1, 0), COLOR9999FF.
Adhesion line (closing & gt opening price, closing price, high, 0.5,0), color1199 ff;
Adhesive line (open & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, LOW, 0.5, 0), COLORCCCCCC.
Adhesive line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, open, HIGH, 0.5, 0), COLORCCCCCC.
A:=IF (in words, (amount OL)/ 100, (opening+opening+opening+closing * 2)/5);
Delay: = C;;
I deleted a part of it and it still works.