Commodity currency means that the exchange rate of the country's currency against RMB is linked to commodity prices, and the rise of commodity prices will lead to appreciation, while the fall of commodity prices will lead to currency depreciation. Commodity currencies include: Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar, Swedish krona and Norwegian krona.
Risk currency means that when there is no risk in the economic and financial circles, the economy is improving or the European, American and Asian stock markets are skyrocketing, the currency value is firm or greatly appreciated; However, during the economic crisis, the sharp depreciation depends on the economic currency. Risk currencies include: euro and pound.
A safe-haven currency refers to a currency whose exchange rate is relatively stable, and its value can be exceptionally firm and appreciate for a long time in times of social unrest and economic crisis. Safe haven currencies include: US dollar, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, etc.
Pricing currency refers to the US dollar, the only currency in the world that has the pricing power of commodities. Because the unique pricing power of the dollar determines its strongest hedging attribute-value preservation, money can always buy things, but things may not always be exchanged for money.
Final conclusion: Recently, the US dollar has become stronger and stronger in the foreign exchange market, rising steadily, and non-US dollar currencies have fallen together. Judging from the US dollar index, it shows that the US dollar index is rising, the US dollar is appreciating, and non-US dollar currencies are depreciating. The dollar index fell, the dollar depreciated, and non-dollar currencies appreciated. Precious metals such as gold, platinum, palladium, gold and silver belong to the category of commodities, and price fluctuations are controlled by the US dollar. When the dollar, the pricing currency, appreciates, the pricing goods will fall.
Simply put, when the dollar appreciates, all currencies (such as the euro) and all commodities (including oil and gold) will fall, while when the dollar depreciates, all currencies and all commodities will rise. As the saying goes: the dollar is money, and everything else is things. When money is valuable, things naturally fall in price; When things go up in price, money will naturally disappear.