Do you have any luggage to check?
Your luggage needs to be checked.
Your luggage needs to be checked.
Don't check if you can.
I don't want to check my baggage if possible.
Where can I exchange money for Indian Rupee?
Can you tell me where I can exchange money for Indian Rupee?
Can I exchange foreign currency here? I want to change US dollars into Indian Rupee.
Do you exchange foreign currency here? I want to change my dollars into Indian Rupee.
I want to go to the West Hotel. This is a map near the hotel. How much do I have to pay?
I want to go to the West Hotel. This is a map near the hotel. How much is it?
Hello, I reserved a single room here.
Hello, I reserved a single room here.
Excuse me, could you speak more slowly? My English is poor.
Excuse me, could you speak more slowly? My English is not very good.
What's my room phone number, please?
Could you tell me the extension number of my room?
I want to make an international call.
Can I provide international dialing service for my room?
How should I make an international call?
Can you tell me how to make an international call?
How much is this?
How much is this?