First, pronunciation
English [? vt? u? Me? Me? N], beautiful [? vrt? u? Me? Me? n].
Second, virtual interpretation.
Analog, virtual.
Third, examples.
What if? Answer? Virtual? Machine? Operation? System? Collapse? Application? Are you online? Other? Virtual? Machine? Continue? Where to? Run. ?
If the operating system of one virtual machine crashes, the applications in other virtual machines will continue to run.
Extended data
Virtual machine related vocabulary-visual recognition (VI for short);
I. Interpretation
Visual recognition system.
Second, pronunciation
English [? vu? l adent? Ti], beauty [? vu? l adent? ti].
Third, the definition of identity.
Identity itself.
Fourth, examples.
Aesthetic? Design? Yes? Bridge? Scenery? Foundation? Open? Vision? Identity? System? Theory.
Aesthetic design of bridge landscape based on image recognition system theory.