100 ringgit = 183.7500 RMB (exchange rate: 1.8375)
100 RMB =54.42 18 ringgit (exchange rate: 0.5442)
Malaysian currency editor ringgit (Malay: ringgit), also translated as ringgit, translated as "ditch" in Cantonese, is the currency of Malaysia. The official Chinese address of Malaysia's national currency was ringgit before 2004 and ringgit after 2004. MYR is the international standard code of ISO42 17, and the official label is RM. RM is used because the Malay names of Singapore and Brunei Dollar are also Ringgit. In order to avoid confusion in use, RM is used as the currency label, which is the abbreviation of Malaysian ringgit. (China is still called Malaysian ringgit)