The exchange rate of RMB against Chinese mainland dollar is similar to that of major banks. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the cash selling price of HK$ is 0.847. That is, RMB 100 can be converted into Hong Kong dollars 1 18.06. Hong Kong Xu Shi Brothers is one of the most famous chain exchange shops in Hong Kong. At the same time, its exchange rate is RMB, and the buying price is 0.85. That is, RMB 100 can be converted into HK$ 1 17.65. Therefore, it is more cost-effective for mainland banks to exchange RMB for Hong Kong dollars.
2. The buying price of China Industrial and Commercial Bank in Hong Kong dollars is 0.8366. That is, 100 Hong Kong dollars can be converted into 83.66 RMB. The selling price of RMB in Xu Shi is 0.844. That is, 100 Hong Kong dollars can be converted into 84.4 RMB. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to exchange Hong Kong dollars for RMB in Hong Kong. Of course, the most cost-effective way is to find a friend to exchange directly with the middle price. This is called "knocking", which is mutually beneficial.
Hong Kong and overseas accounts do not have as strict foreign exchange control as Chinese mainland. As long as you open accounts in RMB, USD, HKD or other currencies at the same time, you can freely exchange money through online banking. In fact, this is equivalent to buying foreign exchange from the bank. The advantage is that there is no limit on the amount, but the disadvantage is that exchange gains and losses may be caused by exchange rate differences. The exchange rate of each bank should be the same, and now it is the international real-time exchange rate for settlement. However, the Bank of China was the first bank. After all, domestic foreign exchange and foreign currency business is its specialty, convenient and fast, and sufficient inventory. Other banks may not have cash.
Settlement of foreign exchange may not be a big problem for the company, or it may be remitted to domestic companies, or entrusted to other foreign trade companies to settle foreign exchange, etc., which can be adopted. However, for SOHO, it is not realistic to settle foreign exchange through domestic companies, but through foreign trade companies, because of trust problems, the time of intermediate transfer and other reasons, it is unwilling to make large foreign exchange settlement through foreign trade companies. In that case, there seems to be only one way to settle foreign exchange through 50 thousand dollars.