1 What is it?
1 GBP =9.3 1 1 RMB (still valuable compared with RMB).

1 = 1.5 163 USD.

1 = 16.2522 Austrian schilling.

1 = 47.645438+07 Belgian franc

1 =3.0874 Brazilian lille

1 = 1.5586 Canadian dollars.

1 = 1.526 Swiss francs

1 =739.645 Chilean peso

1 =3 1.9387 CZK

1 = 196.5023 peseta, Spain

1 = 1. 18 1 1 €

1 =7.7459 French francs

1 = 1 1.7707 HKD。

1 =83.2 1 15 Indian Rupee.

1 = 2460.25438+084 Italian lira

1 = 156.376 yen

1 = 1699.4996 won

1 = 1.9072 Singapore dollars.

1 = 1.925 NZD.

1 =45.58 nt.

1= 31675.5438+018vnd (this is really funny, you have to bring a bag of money when you go out to buy things).

1 =47.6368 Russian roubles

——————————————— Landlord, after you answer, you will get more points for half a day! ! Copy the dog and get out! ! ! ! ! (Also equal to 9 lollipops)