Currency exchange:
1 JPY =0.0529 RMB;
1 RMB = 18.8998 yen;
3,000 yen = 158.7 RMB;
5000 yen =264.5 RMB.
Yen (Japanese: Yen, Japanese romaji: En, English: Yen), whose paper money is called Japanese bank notes, is the legal tender of Japan, and the yen is often used as the reserve currency after the US dollar and the euro.
The Japanese yen is the name of Japan's monetary unit, which was founded in May 187 1 1. Japan established the gold standard system in 1897, and the gold content was set at 0.75g In May of 1953, it was announced that the gold content was 0.00246853g In March of 1988, the gold standard system was completely abolished.
There are three kinds of banknotes in circulation: 1000, 5000, 10000 yen, and six denominations of coins: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, and 500 yen.