1, big data?
Many people feel that with data, especially with a lot of data, which is big data, this is certainly not true, the amount of data is not big data, such as meteorological data is very large, if only used for meteorological prediction, only accounting can keep up with the line, but far from playing its value. However, insurance companies based on meteorological data, to predict natural disasters and adjust the insurance rates related to natural disasters, it evolved other commercial value, constituting the business environment of big data. Therefore, big data has to be utilized, even related, and exchanged in order to generate real value, constituting the unique big data business in the DT era.
2. Big Data? Reporting channel
There are many enterprises, the establishment of their business reporting center, or a large screen display center, immediately declare that they have completed the big data, which is far from enough. Although the report is also a manifestation of big data, but the real big data business, not to generate reports on people to command, that is cloaked in the appearance of big data report system only. In the big data closed-loop system, everything is a data generator, but also a data user, they are automated, intelligent closed-loop system, automatic learning, intelligent adjustment, so as to enhance the overall production power.
3. Big Data? Accounting channel
Before I read a report that a certain financial institution has established its own big data system, and then took a closer look at it, it is to build a Hadoop cluster of several hundred machines. Big data accounting channel, is the skill base of big data applications, is a very important part of the closed loop of big data, is also an indispensable part, however, can not say that there is an accounting channel has big data. Let's say I bought a pot, can't say I've got a dish, from the pot to the dish is still missing raw materials (data), knives (processing tools), chef (data processing) in order to finally make a dish.
4, big data? Precision marketing
Saw many startups doing big data startups, a closer look, people do is based on big data recommendation engine, advertising fixed investment and so on. Is this big data? They do is a kind of application of big data, can be said to have been a kind of big data. It is just that the whole ecology of big data can not be expressed through this one. Just as the elephant's ear is part of the elephant, however, it can not represent the elephant.
What are the misunderstandings about big data technology, Aoto editor will share with you here. If you have a strong interest in big data engineering, I hope this article can help you. If you still want to know more about data analysts, big data engineers tips and materials, you can click on other articles on this site to learn.