2 years, France called paper wedding (les noces de papier), Britain and the United States called cotton wedding (cotton wedding)
7 years, France called wool wedding (les noces de laine), Britain and the United States called copper wedding (copper wedding) or woolen wedding (woolen wedding)
10 years, France called tin wedding (tin wedding), Britain and the United States called copper wedding (copper wedding) or woolen wedding (woolen wedding). 'argent), also called silver wedding in Britain and America
30 years, France called pearl wedding (les noces de perle), also called pearl wedding in Britain and America
50 years, France called gold wedding (les noces d'or), France called gold wedding (les noces d'or), also called porcelain wedding in Britain and America
The wedding was held in the United Kingdom and the United States. 'or), also called golden wedding (golden wedding)
60 years, France called diamond wedding (les noces de diamant), also called diamond wedding), but refers to the 60-75 anniversary of the general term. In France, there is also a platinum wedding for the 70th anniversary (les noces de platine).