The following is the shower room network marketing ideas, play the scenic words are a mold, as long as you understand the ideas in it, do it all very simple
Shower room network marketing this can play, network marketing three points of the way: content, scene, word of mouth.
From the word of mouth basis to start it, write 1000 shower room problem solving, to their own brand issued online, and monthly supplement 500-1000 questions, in the word of mouth to make the brand become the most professional shower room brand.
Then the scene, mention the scene can be used under the hottest WeChat, every day to do a shower room scene of the picture (high requirements, this picture scene must be emotional facts, general picture even if, the scene is the big focus of network marketing, this play is not good don't play network marketing). The use of the circle of friends, groups, service number issued some fine copy and pictures, to bring the height of the brand.
So the last is the content, the content of the event is to snatch, spike, group buying, price cutting, etc.; event content is to win awards, new product releases, conferences, etc.; internal content of the dealers how to play how to develop a system, how to play how to develop a system for customers, etc.
If the above play well, the enterprise is at least a network of excellent brand. You can try to do their own set of network marketing play, wishing success!