Predict_label is the predicted label.
MatLab training data, get semantic label vector Scores (probability output).
1. Logistic Regression (MultiNomial logistic Regression)
Factor = mnrfit(train_data, train_label);
Scores = mnrval(Factor, test_data) ;
Scores is the semantic vector (probabilistic output). Can't eat it for high dimensional features.
2. Random Forest Classifier (Random Forest)
Factor = TreeBagger(nTree, train_data, train_label);
[Predict_label,Scores] = predict(Factor, test_data);
Scores is the semantic vector (probability output). In the experiment nTree = 500.
Works well, but a bit slow. 2500 rows of data, took 400 seconds. 5 million rows of big data analysis, what happens? Prepare a novel to read slowly ^_^
3. Simple Bayes classification (Naive Bayes)
Factor =, train_label);
Scores = posterior(Factor, test_data);
[Scores,Predict_label] = posterior(Factor, test_data);
Predict_label = predict(Factor, test_data);
accuracy = length(find(predict_label == test_label))/length(test_label)*100;
Doesn't work well.