1, distributed cloud storage. Tencent is the Internet company with the most servers in China, Tencent has deployed 24 regions, 44 integrated data centers, and more than 1,400 CDN nodes around the world, and in 2018, the Tianjin data center, the servers are more than 100,000 units. Such a large scale of the growing demand for data to play a strong support, the user's data according to the geographical distribution of the various nodes, such a large amount of data, are through the big data distributed storage, not a traditional relational database.
2. Some data will not be stored on the server. Not all of the data through WeChat is uploaded on the server, for example: chat logs (text, voice, pictures), etc., because of the consideration of the user's privacy, as well as data storage issues, these data are stored in the user's local WeChat uninstallation and deletion, chat logs on the empty, the data is not saved on the server.