On August 1, the Bank of Communications (BOC) issued an announcement to adjust the charges for early repayment compensation. From November 1, personal mortgage loans (including personal housing loans, personal commercial housing loans, personal plant loans) and personal online mortgage (consumer), early repayment compensation charged specific to the agreement in the loan contract shall prevail, the proportion of compensation for early repayment of the principal amount of 1%. The so-called early repayment compensation is a certain amount of interest loss compensation to the bank for early repayment of the outstanding loan by the customer. It is reported that the Bank of Communications will charge the relevant loans "early repayment compensation", the collection of specific to the loan contract agreement shall prevail, the compensation ratio for early repayment of the principal amount of 1%. Bank of Communications said that this is to further improve the personal mortgage loans, personal online mortgage (consumer) related financial services, standardize the early repayment compensation fee behavior. Previously, the bank for partial early repayment of the compensation, compensation can be exempted from charging compensation for partial early repayment once a year. For full early repayment, the bank only charged compensation for partial term. The Bank of Communications said that until November 1, 2022, it will remain on the original fee schedule. "The adjusted charges will be more stringent." Some industry insiders expect that this may have something to do with the fact that there have been more cases of early repayment of personal mortgages so far this year. As for whether the follow-up of the banks continue to follow, still need to look at the recovery of market demand as well as the use of loan funds of various banks, etc..