Make sure to land and check people within 2 hours of receiving the coordinated information, and isolation and control are in place within 8 hours; other regional coordinated data pushed out should be verified and controlled within 24 hours. First, timely completion of the network direct report and transit. After receiving the report of a positive nucleic acid test, medical institutions of all levels and types should complete the network direct report within 2 hours, and transfer the infected person to the designated receiving hospital within 2 hours. CDC organizations should investigate and verify immediately after receiving the report and complete the audit within 2 hours. No place shall increase the procedures of consultation and review without authorization. Second, the first time to carry out epidemiological investigation. After receiving the network direct report, the jurisdiction of the CDC agency should immediately start epidemiological investigation, within 24 hours to complete the case and asymptomatic infected person's basic information, the onset of disease and diagnosis, risk factors and exposure history, laboratory testing and other information to investigate, fill out the case investigation form, combined with the infected person and others in contact with the contact mode, the frequency of contact and contact time, accurate completion of the determination of contact personnel. Thirdly, we broaden the idea of flow investigation and traceability. Through face-to-face epidemiological investigations, visits to receiving physicians, access to cases, telephone supplemental investigations, big data tracking, Alipay and WeChat transaction records, access to video and other ways to supplement the verification of the investigation. The investigation combines the investigation of people, objects and environment, inquires in detail about the epidemiological history of the patient 14 days before the onset of the disease, accurately grasps the contact time, mode, frequency, location, seating, protection at the time, and other information, comprehensively analyzes and initially deduces the possible source of the infection, and continuously verifies the initial inference by sampling and testing the people, the environment and the suspected objects. The search for relevant cases is carried out rapidly in order to discover associated cases or the first signs of an aggregated epidemic as early as possible and take timely preventive and control measures.