Boys: 42,42.5,42.5,43,43,44,44.5,45.5,54,59.
The mean is: (42+42.5+42.5+43+43+44+44.5+45.5+54+59 )÷10,
=46 (kg),
The median is: (43+44)÷2,
Girls: 34.5,37,37.5,38,38,39.5,40,40.5,41.5.
The mean is: (34.5+37+37.5+38+38+39.5+40+40.5+41.5)÷9,
=38.5 (kg),
The median is: 38,
Answer: the mean of the set of data on the weight of the boys is 46 and the median is 43.5;
The mean of the girls' weight data is 38.5, and the median is 38.
(2) A: The mean of the data is 46, which is affected by the maximum figure of 59,
and the median is 43.5, which is the closest to the general level of body weight,
so I think that this group of boys' weights is more representative of the general level of body weight, as represented by the median of the group. It's also a good example of how the median is used to reflect the average weight.
So I think the median weight of this group of boys is a better representation of the general weight level.
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